Employing a distinctively unrestrained visual vocabulary of vivid colors and bold patterns, anthropomorphic forms and irregular shapes, Noségo's richly colorful, dreamily surreal new series explore themes of resilience and rebellion.
Executed with an extraordinary degree of freedom and panache spanning the full breadth of the artist's multidisciplinary practice, the exhibition will feature new acrylic paintings as well as never before exhibited mural and sculpture—his most personally significant presentation of his works to date.
Derived from childhood memories and a seemingly boundless imagination, ambiguous characters find themselves in unique, sumptuous atmospheres, at once strange and familiar, of and not of this world.
Through a dynamic cartoon-expressionist style, Noségo creates works of graphic intensity and fervent energy, painting meticulously rendered, high-spirited dispatches from earthly yet surreal realms, a dazzlingly radiant world of mythological characters, dreamlike scenes, and fresh, childlike imaginings.