At Large

Ever since their construction, the monuments and structures of ancient Rome have amazed and astounded their viewers with their grandeur and the ingenuity of…

It’s the first night of Passover! Tonight, Jews all around the world will sit down together and recount the story of their ancestor’s exodus from Egypt and the…

The largest Vermeer exhibition ever staged just opened at the Rijk in Amersterdam. Gathering 28 of his 37 paintings, the exhibition is a closer than ever look into Vermeer’s artistic practice.
Although such collections were kept by a wide range of groups and individuals—from Tsars to churches and apothecaries to scientific academies—a new wave of scholars have taken particular interest in…
Instagram, shop windows, and street style all shout that the 2000s are back: baggy low-rise jeans, baguette-style purses, paisley halter tops. But what happens when the decade in vogue is neither new…

Lately there have been investigations that highlight new theories on some of history’s greatest artists and their paintings. We wanted to dive into these…

In the third installment in our series on jewelry’s place in art history, we’re exploring how the once-Emperor Napoleon used jewelry, and in particular, cameos, to try and secure his place in history.
Dadaism or Dada is an art movement of the early twentieth century characterized by irreverence, subversion, and nonsense. Dada art, performance, and poetry emerged in Zurich as a reaction to the…