At Large

In ancient Rome, bathing was a staple, not a luxury. Bath buildings are one of the most frequently encountered types of structure at archeological sites across the Roman world, from the Middle East…
This installment of Art & Object's top art schools series showcases the best art schools of the West.
Here, hundreds of miles south of the Canadian Arctic and Nunangat (the Canadian Inuit homeland territories), is the world’s largest collection of contemporary Inuit artworks.
It’s too soon to say, and this preview doesn’t presume to provide an answer. But it does offer a look at the art events to be excited for in the coming months.
The top-tier art programs of the Midwest tend to be relatively small, private art and design schools.
In a returning series, Art & Object delves into the top art schools and programs in the U.S. This week is dedicated to the Southeast.
At the root of all Gothic art and architecture was the desire to construct something close to heaven on Earth, a place where congregations could feel the presence of the divine.
In the second annual installment of this series, Art & Object delves into the top art schools and programs of the U.S.