Press Release  January 24, 2019

"Andy Warhol: By Hand" Brings Together Three Decades of Drawings

Courtesy The Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Art/Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS)

Andy Warhol, Self Portrait, 1986

The New York Academy of Art is pleased to present a major exhibition of works from one of its earliest supporters: Andy Warhol: By Hand, Drawings from the 1950s -1980s. Co-curated by Vincent Fremont, Warhol’s right-hand man for two decades and a founder of The Andy Warhol Foundation, and Academy President David Kratz, Andy Warhol: By Hand presents over 150 drawings by Warhol, one of the driving forces behind the creation of the New York Academy of Art. Many of the works have never before been exhibited in the United States.

Courtesy the New York Academy of Art

Curators Vincent Fremont and David Kratz, President of the Academy.

Courtesy Daniel Blau, Munich and The Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Art/Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS)

Andy Warhol, Serious Girl, c. 1954, ink and graphite on paper

The New York Academy of Art was developed in the 1980s by a devoted group of artists and art patrons, including Warhol, to promote and preserve skills training in drawing, painting and sculpture. For over three decades, the Academy has been a bastion of rigorous technical education and a staunch advocate for the importance of training and technique in the contemporary art world. Warhol was himself the product of a classical art education and a deep believer in the necessity of foundational training.

Drawings in Andy Warhol: By Hand date from 1948 to1985 and are from the private collections of dealers Daniel Blau, Paul Kasmin and Anton Kern. The works from the Blau collection have been exhibited in Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany, and the New York Academy of Art exhibition marks their debut in the United States. The works in Andy Warhol: By Hand are not presented chronologically, but are grouped thematically, with themes including drawings of children, nudes and portraits (including self-portraits).

Andy Warhol: By Hand represents a deep dive into Warhol’s personal drawing practice, developed as an art student and kept up for decades, and the subjects reflect many of the artist’s frequent themes, from classic American iconography to the mystique of celebrity to himself. Comments curator Vincent Fremont, “It is important for people to know the vital role drawing played in Andy Warhol’s life as an artist. By focusing only on Andy’s drawings, this exhibition is a way to highlight without distraction Andy’s innovative process and experimentation which encompassed pen and ink, ballpoint pen, blotted line, graphite, and acrylic paint.”

Courtesy The Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Art/Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS)

Andy Warhol, Two Male Heads Face to Face, Outline, ca. 1952, ink and graphite on paper

Andy Warhol: By Hand, Drawings from the 1950s -1980s is on view at the New York Academy of Art from January 22 through March 10, 2019. A panel discussion with the curators will be announced at a later date. The exhibition is sponsored by 108 Leonard and AXA XL, with support from Cadogan Tate.

About New York Academy of Art
Founded in 1982 by artists, scholars and patrons of the arts, including Andy Warhol, the New York Academy of Art is a nonprofit educational and cultural institution that combines intensive technical training in the fine arts with active critical discourse. The Academy believes that rigorously trained artists are best able to realize their artistic vision. Academy students are taught traditional methods and techniques and encouraged to use these skills to make vital contemporary art. Through major exhibitions, a lively speaker series, and an ambitious educational program, the Academy serves as a creative and intellectual center for all artists dedicated to highly skilled, conceptually aware figurative and representational art.

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