Press Release  March 23, 2020

Oscar de la Renta Helps Raise Money for Covid-19 Emergency Food Fund

Courtesy of artist and grantLOVE project

Los Angeles, CA — Project Angel Food is pleased to announce that the grantLOVE project and Oscar de la Renta have joined forces with us to raise funds for our COVID-19 Emergency Food Fund.

Project Angel Food’s Emergency Food Kits include three weeks of frozen and shelf-stable meals for all of our 1,600 clients. In the event a quarantine prevents us from delivering meals, it is essential that each client have 3 weeks of emergency food supplies. Each Emergency Food Kit costs $93.75 so we need to raise $150,000 to guarantee that we can provide one for each and every client.

Courtesy of artist and grantLOVE project

Beginning today, the grantLOVE project is donating 100% of the profits from the sale of a series of LOVE prints, inspired by Oscar de la Renta’s spring/summer 2020 collection, to our COVID-19 Emergency Food Fund. For every print sold, Project Angel Food is able to deliver another Emergency Food Kit to a client.

Project Angel Food is honored to be the beneficiary of a new collaboration between the grantLOVE project and Oscar de la Renta. Since 2010 artist Alexandra Grant and her grantLOVE project have been regular contributors to our Angel Art auctions, raising more than $110,000 for Project Angel Food. On March 12th we were to launch the first initiative — an exhibition of artworks by Alexandra curated by Yasmine Zodeh — at the Oscar de la Renta store on Melrose Place, but had to postpone because of COVID-19. We are thrilled that the collaboration has been able to pivot and respond quickly to our new circumstances and look forward to rescheduling the in-store event.

I knew during the AIDS crisis that with enough love, we would make it through. And we will make it through the coronavirus too. But it took a lot of love then, and it will take a lot of love now. I hope you’ll share your love with us.  — Marianne Williamson, Founder of Project Angel Food

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