Press Release

The Minneapolis Institute of Art (Mia) will present an exhibition of video work by New York­–based artist Kenneth Tam (born 1982) starting December 23, 2017. “Kenneth Tam: Cold Open” challenges…

Open January 28 ­– June 24, 2018, Polymer Art: Recent Acquisitions showcases artworks new to Racine Art Museum (RAM) since the donation of over 200 polymer pieces in 2011.

BALTIMORE, MD (December 15, 2017) — The Baltimore Museum of Art (BMA) presents a focused exhibition of works by Senga Nengudi, one of the most inventive artists to combine abstract sculpture and…

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., today announced the formation of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office’s first-ever Antiquities Trafficking Unit and the return of three ancient…

Stunning Set of Spanish Baroque Works Travels to the United States for the First Time

Series Historically Connected to Movement for Religious…

Pittsburgh, PA…Carnegie Museum of Art (CMOA) announces highlights from its new acquisitions, which were approved on December 14. The museum’s collection includes over 30,000 art objects including …

This spring The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA), will conduct a thorough conservation of Jackson Pollock’s abstract expressionist painting Number 1, 1949 (1949), a treasure of MOCA’s…

The Museum of Modern Art’s David Rockefeller Award will be presented to Oprah Winfrey at a luncheon in New York on March 6, 2018. The Award is presented annually by MoMA to an individual from the…