contemporary art

This year, four stellar artists were given the financial and career boosts that come with the “Genius” title. Learn more about them here.
Frieze London 2019 will bring together more than 160 galleries from 35 countries, representing the fair’s most international edition since its launch.
Call and Response, Betye Saar’s current exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), is a small but poignant portrait of the world Saar created over the course of her half century…
Theaster Gates’s multifaceted practice includes sculpture, installation, performance, and architectural interventions.
A prolific painter and sharp social critic, Lari Pittman has been a strong presence in both the international sphere and the L.A. art community.
Since booking one of the most prestigious commissions an artist can get, Sherald has emerged as one of the most important voices in American contemporary art.
This October, Sotheby’s Frieze Week sale of Contemporary Art will be underscored by twelve generously donated works from leading contemporary artists and galleries, each of which will be sold for the…
While art heists small and large are more common than we’d like them to be, the thefts usually involve paintings or sculptures which are handily snatched and carried off by the guilty parties. On…