contemporary art

Vellum LA and DIVERSEartLA share the goal of broadening the conversation around art, redefining what has value and who gets to call themselves artists. “At the end of the day, art is subjective,”…
From community-minded installations, documentary photographs, confrontational mixed-media sculptures, to hyper-realist paintings, the following works force us to reconsider what basketball is on a…
Although Takashi Murakami’s art typically appears happy and bright at first glance, the artist expertly wields cartoony symbols and fantastical imagery to make larger statements on topics such as…
In November 2020, we published a story on the then freshly one-hundred-year-old Wayne Thiebaud and his continued painting practice. Today, we’d like to take a moment and look back at the life and art…
Each month, Art & Object is highlighting Sekka's best art stories. Here are the best art stories from Sekka from December 2021.
Like many other pulse-taking surveys of contemporary art, Greater New York was conceived as a way for MoMA, via its PS1 satellite, to put its institutional stamp on the zeitgeist by measuring it…
Artists, a Gallerist, & a Historian Weigh in on the Merits of the Style

It could feel forced to have the opus of another artist (or a duo, or a workshop) with a specific ethos and aesthetic installed in a museum entirely dedicated…