Paul Laster

At a time when figuration is the dominant way of working in the international art world, New York’s Richard Taittinger Gallery takes a look back at an important figurative art movement in Europe in…
Currently presenting the exhibition Man Ray & Picabia at his West Village space in New York, the young art dealer recently sat down with Art & Object to discuss the making of the intimate,…
Featuring a dynamic combination of graffiti drawings, paintings, sculptures, collectible objects, furniture, and augmented reality projects, KAWS: WHAT PARTY presents a twenty-five-year survey of the…
Born in a coastal area of Southwestern Japan in 1969, Izumi Kato creates surreal, haunting figures, which he renders in paint with his hands and sculpts out of wood, stone, and vinyl.
As the old saying goes, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” and in Ashley Bickerton case it’s completely true.
An emerging star on the international art scene, Robert Nava was born in 1985 in East Chicago, where he first started drawing characters from cartoons and cereal boxes as a child.

Celebrated for his stylish sculptures of decaying technological devices and crumbling cultural artifacts, Daniel Arsham makes art that looks…

Sanford Biggers mines African American history and traditions in a wide variety of ways—ranging from painting on and constructing collages with recycled quilts to making installation art, performance…