Costas Picadas' Art of Healing

Costas Picadas at the Contemporary Digital Arts Fair
courtesy of the artist

Costas Picadas, Biophilia 05, 2020.

Costas Picadas spreads his healing art as widely as he can through the Contemporary Digital Arts Fair (CADAF) from June 25th to the 28th. CADAF or Contemporary Digital Arts Fair has an initiative to support and prop up digital art and other new media projects; a worthwhile endeavor as their existence will only become more ubiquitous in the future. Art is evolving past its physical limitations, transcending the exclusivity of exhibition hall walls and extending its reaches to the far ends of the earth. At some point, art became something for the wealthy to collect as an investment. Art serves a greater purpose though, to unify and communicate important insight. The dissolution of barriers in art comes at no better time than now, when Costas Picadas is trying to heal the world with his.

Event Information
Start Date: June 25, 2020
End Date: June 28, 2020