Francine Tint: After a Dream

Francine Tint: After a Dream
courtesy of the artist

Sundance. Oil on canvas. 39 x 56 inches.

Influenced by the movements of color field and action painting, Francine Tint’s paintings are the result of a process of disclosure, drawn from her own life events, dreams, and literature. Tint is a New York-based artist currently working in a studio downtown. Her interest is in furthering the tradition of abstract-expressionism, whose tenets and formal expressiveness are central to the way she works in painting. Her paintings tend to focus on color, with abstract embellishments—splotches, blots, and lines—rendered intuitively across the compositional field. In many ways, her allegiance continues to be directed toward the great painters of America’s abstract-expressionist tradition: such as Pollock and Gorky. But her determination to present her own, independent vision--one that shows interest in color and in improvisation emphasize originality rather than reiteration.

Event Information
Start Date: June 1, 2020
End Date: August 15, 2020
Venue: Chase Young Gallery

Francine Tint: After a Dream