At Large  November 16, 2023  Editors of Art & Object

Artist Tracey Emin Elected to British Museum Board, and More News

Photo: Piers Allardyce. Wikimedia Commons

Artist Tracey Emin


Tracey Emin Makes History as the First Woman Artist Appointed a Trustee of the British Museum

Tracey Emin is the first woman artist appointed to the Board of Trustees of the British Museum. “Emin will be the first female Royal Academician appointed to the role in the Museum’s history,” the museum stated in a November 15 announcement. In 2007, Emin was elected a Royal Academician: a professionally active contemporary artist elected as a member of the Royal Academy of Arts. She replaces Grayson Perry as the trustee nominated by the Royal Academy. The current board has 20 members including Mary Beard, Alejandro Santo Domingo, and the Chair, George Osborne who said in the announcement, “Tracey is one of Britain’s greatest artists. Having regenerated her hometown through her willpower, I know she will bring incredible energy, insight and creativity to the Board. We are delighted to have her join us.”


Ai Weiwei’s Lisson Gallery Exhibition Canceled Over Israel-Hamas Tweet

An exhibition set to open on November 15 at Lisson Gallery in London was canceled after Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei posted his views about the Israel-Hamas conflict to the social media platform X. The artist shared his side of the story with Hyperallergic. “While the suddenness is jarring, it doesn’t astonish me; what does surprise me is the application of violent means in today’s ostensibly democratic and free society to suppress cultural expression,” he told that publication. 


Sotheby’s Emily Fisher Landau Sale is the Most Valuable, Ever, for a Female Collector

The Emily Fisher Landau sale on November 8, turned out to be the highest grossing auction dedicated to a female collector in the history of auctions. It brought in $406.4 million, which fell within its estimate of $344.5 million to $430 million. The highlights of the auction included Agnes Martin’s minimalist abstract work Grey Stone II, which sold for $18.7 million (three times its low estimate of $6 million) and Pablo Picasso’s hotly anticipated Femme à la montre, which brought in $139 million.

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