Fair  July 22, 2022  Art & Object Staff

The Denver Art Showcase Promises Exciting Works from Region

Justin Wang | Unsplash

A view of Denver

Art & Object is thrilled to announce that, in partnership with the Museum of Outdoor Arts (MOA), we will begin August with the launch of our latest vFair: The Denver Art Showcase. Scheduled for August 1–7, this virtual fair will include work from twenty-plus individual artists and innovative galleries based in and around Denver.

"When we launched Art & Object's online fairs, we always knew we wanted to highlight the vibrant art scenes beyond New York and Los Angeles,” says Jeremy Howell, editor-in-chief of Art & Object. “I am very excited to share the incredible works being created in Denver and the larger Colorado area with our audience. The Denver Art Showcase has something for everyone's taste, whether that be traditional or contemporary.”

Howell shares, “We were fortunate to have a local art expert, Colleen Smith, curate our show.” Smith, a regular contributor to Art & Object and many other publications, has reported on the Denver art scene for more than thirty years. “I am extremely grateful for her help with this fair and cannot wait to share these incredible works with collectors and art lovers around the world."

As curator, Smith says she’s gained an even bigger appreciation of the Denver art scene. Its a creative space she’s always loved, but never had such a birds-eye-view of before now. Smith shares, “I never had the big picture because I focused more on individual artists, sometimes a gallery or museum or art district, but more often an artist and his or her work.”

Smith also shares that attendees can expect to see truly beautiful works of art. “As an overarching theme, I worked with the idea of ‘Beauty for the Beleaguered.’ We’ve all endured a lot in recent years… I looked for beauty and grace in works of art that will uplift our spirits and soothe.”

A significant bonus of and reason behind the MOA’s involvement in this latest vFair is related to a location change. As the museum’s co-founder and CEO Cynthia Madden Leitner says, “Our partnership with Art & Object on the Denver Art Showcase coincides with the MOA’s move from our longtime location with 10,000 square feet to our new building which is 1,500 square feet.”

Leitner adds that the MOA has decided to, going forward, focus its creative energy on this new space—The Marjorie Park and Fiddler’s Green Amphitheatre. She adds, “We will no longer have indoor gallery space, so Art & Object’s online art fair makes sense to us. We know the high costs and many challenges of mounting art exhibitions because MOA did a lot of shows, culminating with our Robert Rauschenberg retrospective. We’re back to outdoor arts, and one of the best aspects of our move is that we’ll have more opportunity for collaboration such as this online art fair partnership with Art & Object.

Attendees should additionally be sure to keep their eyes peeled for the MOA’s virtual exhibition of a stunning chandelier.

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