Melding personal ephemera; used lingerie and designer footwear, costume jewelry, religious relics and Hanukkah decorations with old paint brushes, children’s toys, souvenirs and studio refuse, she…
Press Release
Traditionally, memorial poles — known as lorrkkon, ḏupun or ḻarrakitj — were used to house the bones of the deceased.
This special edition show will host 60 international galleries and a focused schedule of events, performances, and special projects celebrating SCOPE’s journey from entrepreneurial upstart to full-…
Funds raised will support Art4Equality’s 2020 programming which will provide more opportunities for female artists and advance their goals of gender equality in the arts.
An inspiration for Dada and Surrealism and a touchstone for the Theatre of the Absurd, Alfred Jarry is best-known today for his revolutionary play "Ubu roi" (1896) and for his invention of…
The J. Paul Getty Museum announces that the acquisition of Joseph Wright of Derby's "Two Boys with a Bladder" will proceed, following the granting of an export license by the Arts Council of England.
Challenging issues of home, craft and the politics of materials, Hugh Hayden reimagines the domestic spaces of Bainbridge House, which dates to 1766, through meticulously constructed surrealistic…
As part of its on-going dialogue with the military community, Salmagundi is proud to present From There to Here: Military Veterans’ Experiences, a veteran-curated exhibit of military veterans’ art…