Press Release

PUBLIC SWIM, an art gallery, project space and community gathering place will be making its debut splash this January at 105 Henry Street in Lower Manhattan’s Chinatown.
This solo exhibition explores the artist’s approach to visualizing poetry and prose in multi-branched projects through books, typography, animation, performance.
Six-Week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Explores Art Created between 1980 and the Present, Including Over 70 Artworks from MoMA’s Collection
In honor of Ronald W. Walters’ legacy, his wife, Patricia Turner Walters, is gifting Howard University with her coveted collection of African American art.
"Gefährliche Straße (Dangerous Street)" is a picture of the First World War as it was played out on the streets of Berlin, painted during the last months of the War in July 1918.
In the nave of Yorkshire Sculpture Park’s 18th-century Chapel, three monumental organic forms rise from the ground, spread with landscapes, buildings and mysterious structures.
Combining utilitarian objects, sculptures, photographs and paintings into a visual landscape meant to provoke engagement from the viewer, Comfort investigates comfort’s relationship to aesthetics and…
Arnulf Rainer numbers among the most important and influential artists of the present.