
Hussain AlMoosawi is an Emirati designer and photographer whose work sits at the intersection of research and creativity. In an ongoing series, AlMoosawi photographs architectural facades around the…
Disney’s Oscar-winning Encanto has been widely praised for what many have described as an unprecedented degree of well-executed, even poignant, representation. It seems this feat would not have been…
Printmaking is an artform so ubiquitous we often take it for granted. From the screen-printed shirts we wear every day to the leaflets and posters we see on the street, the omnipresence of images in…
His gathering of marks “is about making a language,” he says. “I couldn’t do enough to get clarity, so I made groupings.” He divided them into categories—“Families,” “Beginnings,” and “Universes.” “…
At 130 pounds, Brie Ruais is equal in weight and material substance to her collaborator: clay. Each work they embark on involves pulling out the partner’s guts and pushing them into a shape.
Amy Laugesen sculpts horses and mules in homage to their roles in the history of Colorado. However, her rustic yet elegant ceramic and mixed-media equine sculptures look as if they could have been…
The result is a series of large-scale canvases as well as sketches and drawings for his art debut, Gene Simmons ArtWorks at Animazing Gallery at ...
Art & Object interviewed one of the finalists, the British architect, artist, and activist Sofia Karim, and asked what this nomination means for her.