
Printmaking is an artform so ubiquitous we often take it for granted. From the screen-printed shirts we wear every day to the leaflets and posters we see on the street, the omnipresence of images in…
His gathering of marks “is about making a language,” he says. “I couldn’t do enough to get clarity, so I made groupings.” He divided them into categories—“Families,” “Beginnings,” and “Universes.” “…
At 130 pounds, Brie Ruais is equal in weight and material substance to her collaborator: clay. Each work they embark on involves pulling out the partner’s guts and pushing them into a shape.
Amy Laugesen sculpts horses and mules in homage to their roles in the history of Colorado. However, her rustic yet elegant ceramic and mixed-media equine sculptures look as if they could have been…
The result is a series of large-scale canvases as well as sketches and drawings for his art debut, Gene Simmons ArtWorks at Animazing Gallery at ...
Art & Object interviewed one of the finalists, the British architect, artist, and activist Sofia Karim, and asked what this nomination means for her.


Khari Turner creates striking paintings that combine abstraction and figuration in order to, as he puts it, ‘rejuvenate the relationship of my history to my ancestors’ history with water…

Do you have to be a starving artist to be successful? Absolutely not! Jay Parnell not only works at UPS, but he is also a narrative painter. Parnell started out as a portrait photographer and then…