
Eddy Susanto’s work stands out in the field of contemporary art, in part due to the similarities he sees between graphic design and art.
As part of a prestigious traveling exhibit on still life painting, Scott Fraser’s work keeps him in motion.
Artist Crystal Wagner uses bold colors and unconventional materials to make her mark on and off the wall.
95-year-old Dorothy Tanner isn’t slowing down, and after a decades-long career, her sculptures and installations are still enlightening viewers.
Stained glass master craftsman Ann Wolff is keeping this medieval artform alive, through expertise developed over 40 years and a love and respect for her materials.
Once found only at Tibetan import stores and yoga studios, malas have served for centuries as material reminders of a spiritual practice. Now malas worn as necklaces or bracelets are making their…
Lee Cowan introduces us to two talented artists, Alana Tillman and Brom Wikstrom, who paint without hands. They are members of Mouth & Foot Painting Artists, an association of about 800 artists…
In the 1960s, a different Robert De Niro was making a name for himself in the New York art scene.