
A 600-year-old painting leads two art conservators in Florence on a journey that sheds light on the story of the hundreds of thousands of children who were abandoned, and the women who saved them.…
Go behind the scenes with Getty conservators, curators, and scientists as they work to preserve the Drunken Satyr, a rare ancient Roman bronze on temporary loan to the Getty Villa from the National…
Objects Conservator Caitlin Mahony consults with Chuna McIntyre, a Yup'ik dancer, on her approach to the conservation of a Yup'ik Mask from the Charles and Valerie Diker Collection of Native American…
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) announces the completion of almost a decade of research, conservation efforts, and infrastructure improvements at the Tomb of Tutankhamen in Egypt, one of the…
Explore Vermeer's masterpiece "Girl with a Pearl Earring" up close, and see how it's different (and not) from a high-res 3D print of the painting. We visit the Mauritshuis in The Hague and learn what…

How do conservators attribute paintings to artists? Zahira Bomford, senior conservator of paintings, discusses "Kitchen Maid," a 17th-century painting that has been in the MFAH collection for…

The exhibition Project Blue Boy opened at The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens on Sept. 22, 2018, offering visitors a glimpse into the technical processes of a senior…

"How do remains convey what's no longer present?" Curator Janice Kamrin and Conservator Anna Serotta on the coffin of Nedjemankh