
Thomas Cole is remembered as one of America's earliest and most significant landscape painters.

Join Dr. Christopher C. Oliver, Bev Perdue Jennings Assistant Curator of American Art, for a virtual tour of VMFA exhibition Virginia Arcadia: The Natural Bridge in American Art.

The Amon Carter Museum of American Art will unveil the acquisition of "Mount Superior, as viewed from Alta, Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah" in an exhibition that will explore the origin of the work.
The Hudson River School painter Frederic Edwin Church, traveled from New York State to South America, via dangerous expeditions from April 1853 to September 1853, only to research and execute his…
It is an unfortunate fact of art history reporting that artists about whom little is known often stay that way, largely because a lack of juicy details about their lives often makes for dull articles.
It is fascinatingly unpredictable how some of the biggest brouhahas among cultural critics can be preserved for history, while others are so quickly lost to time.

Last year offered innumerable compelling subjects to

For nearly four decades, Joan Nelson has been reverently and subversively painting landscapes.