On its final stop of a nation-wide tour, “Horse Nation of the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ” is currently on display at the Minneapolis Institute of Art (Mia).
Minneapolis Institute of Art
Now at the Minneapolis Institute of Art, Essma Imady’s installation, Thicker than Water, is a heart-rending contemplation of the effects of Syria’s civil war and the realities of life as a refugee…
More than 1200 years ago, two ancient cities were lost to natural disasters and the rising tides of the Mediterranean Sea. Two decades ago, underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio and his team…
Whether photographing limestone quarried by explosive blasts, the evolution of a city from a bird’s-eye-view, or recovery and reconstruction efforts of the artist’s tsunami-swept hometown in…
In the Minneapolis Institute of Art’s collaboration with renowned avant-garde theater artist Robert Wilson, theater and art combine in a phenomenal experience. For Power and Beauty…