video art

Using matches to represent people, this California-based visual artist has gone viral with his video illustrating the importance of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. As each match burns…
The Seattle Art Museum presents "John Akomfrah: Future History," the museum’s first special exhibition exclusively dedicated to the medium of video art.
What is video art? How is it any different from all the other moving pictures that are apparently not-art? Let's explore its history and present.

New York, NY – Presented by Friends of the High Line, High Line Art announces For Camera, a video exhibition of three works by Merce Cunningham. The exhibition will screen January 3…

Erich Weiss, Guest Curator of FLOW: Art Video Pavilion The re-emergence of video art in the contemporary art world, featuring art videos from the WhiteSpace Collection.
This fall, the Philadelphia Museum of Art will premiere "Bury Our Weapons, Not Our Bodies!," a new site-specific public performance by acclaimed Israeli-born artist Yael Bartana. This performance…

Blurring fact and fiction, artist Yael Bartana reimagines historical narratives to spur a dialogue about urgent social and geopolitical issues of our time. This immersive exhibition presents her…

The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston (ICA) opened its new Watershed to the public on July 4, expanding artistic and educational programming on both sides of Boston Harbor—the Seaport and East…