Caterina Bellinetti

"Photography for me is more than a passion or an obsession: it’s a necessity. As a photographer, I persist with my own dreams,” says Xiaoxiao Xu.
Many artists have taken inspiration from this war with contagion and decided to contribute to the hygiene awareness campaigns in their countries and beyond.
For more than 150 years, this iconic garment has inspired Western designers and artists to think outside the dress form.
The relationship between clothes, self-expression, and social perception has been present in the real and fictional life of humanity for thousands of years.
Located in a 15th-century historical palace with a baroque style facade that rests upon the city’s Roman Capitoline Hill, the museum Palazzo Maffei is the newest addition to Verona’s cultural scene.
An award-winning photographer with decades of experience, Maggie Steber does not spare herself when examining her career.
The current exhibition at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh, Scotland’s Photograph Album: The MacKinnon Collection, showcases the infinite, multiform beauty of Scotland, its people…