At Large

The Museo Nacional del Prado, or Prado Museum, was founded in 1819 and is located in Madrid. The collection began with and still significantly consists of items from the Spanish Royal Family’s…
These liminal areas have been the focus of attention in recent years and the surprising setting for a thrilling revival of excavation in Pompeii. Not since the 1980s has there been an archaeological…
How CITYarts Transformed Alexander Hamilton Playground with Community Youth and Artist Hugo Bastidas: Following in the Footsteps of Alexander Hamilton was a 3-year long mural project in Harlem, NY (…
An initiative to feature a selection of women on U.S. quarters has so far approved two barrier-breaking Americans: Sally Ride and Maya Angelou.
Using art as a means for social change, artivists can change the world
No word would suffice to express the fluency with which these shorthand icons, which have supplanted words in texts and emails and on social media, have become a language unto themselves.…
If one symbol represents love, power, royalty, beauty, sensuality, and mysticism–it is the rose. This slide show will focus on the prominence of roses in Western art from the first millennium BCE to…
The internet age has made full-color imagery overwhelmingly accessible. This is to such an extent that it can be difficult to remember that, at the time these featured illustrations were created,…