Gallery  November 16, 2017  Barbara Basbanes Richter

Carpenters Gallery Workshop brings Vincent Dubourg to the US

Courtesy Carpenters Gallery Workshop

Vincent Dubourg, Bhanga Alu, 2014

French artist Vincent Dubourg opened his first U.S. show, Vortex, at Carpenters Gallery Workshop at 693 Fifth Avenue in New York on November 2nd. For the past 15 years, Dubourg has focused on fusing metal and wood furniture that appears to fly from its tethers by taking classical furnishings and infusing them with new life and meaning.

Operating from his workshop nestled in the remote valleys of the Creuse region, Dubourg derives inspiration from his natural surroundings, transforming familiar pieces into unexpected forms. “My aim was to combine the intelligence of our future needs and the alliance we can re-establish with our planet, a nature that overpowers us, which devours come what may, but that offers us a way to live differently, sustainably,” he said. “I wanted to find the link with our existing heritage and to listen to nature by manipulating branches, restoring a form of communication. A dialogue was created, to which I grafted the recovery of objects that we have forgotten and abandoned.” For example, his Buffet Inner Vortex (pictured below) looks as though the interior sections are being pulled by some invisible magnetic force, yet the legs of the buffet remain steady and immovable.

Courtesy Carpenters Gallery Workshop

Vincent Dubourg, Buffet Inner Vortex, 2017

Making its New York City debut in 2015, Carpenters Gallery is a recent French import that focuses on introducing contemporary European artists to American consumers. The Dubourg show dovetails with the forthcoming French-English monograph from Editions Norma dedicated to the artist’s work. Dubourg’s four latest pieces will remain on display now through December 23rd. All are for sale, with prices are available upon request.

View more of Dubourg's work at the Carpenters Gallery website.

About the Author

Barbara Basbanes Richter

Barbara Basbanes Richter writes for Fine Books & Collections magazine and Art & Object. She’s also a professional ghostwriter.  

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