art history

The cloud’s chimeric quality is even more salient in Chinese visual and material arts. It has made a palpable mark on theories of painting and the visual arts of China, and by extension the visual…
America is haunted. That is the premise of the first major museum exhibition to take a comprehensive look at the relationship between American artists and the unseen forces that lurk in our cultural…
Could the Exhibition of Socialist Monuments Offer Guidelines for Americans to Recontextualize Confederate Statues?
The technology employed to make the Space Jam films is unrecognizable when compared to the original systems used to integrate live-action and animation. Still, these processes are all part of one…
On a visit to a museum, one usually hones in on the quest to take in as much art as possible. As one walks between galleries, absorbing centuries of art, an expected but often overlooked constant…
The Spanish Galleon San José, which sank off the coast of Colombia in 1708, was rediscovered by Colombian officials in 2015 near Cartagena. For years, the San José was called the “holy grail of…
At what point can an object become art? The opinion that the original "Star-Spangled Banner" is now a work of art is the tried and true view of this "Art & Object" columnist.
The old notion of “slaying the dragon” has had a pervasive presence in our culture for centuries, yet few know the actual origins of the popular expression. One story that certainly increased the…