Art Feature Articles

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Scott Avett may be famous for his musical chops, but he’s also earning a name for himself as a talented visual artist with a unique voice.
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The symbol of the Doomsday Clock as we know it today emerged from the crosscurrents of modernism, industry, and science that ran through mid-century Chicago.
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Taking the famed movement home with them from France, these Canadian artists created an Impressionism all their own.
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As in his films, David Lynch’s paintings invite viewers to explore the abyss.
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In the northernmost reaches of the Scottish North Sea, on the small, windswept isle of Lamb Holm, sits a pristine vestry at the intersection of religion, art, and war.
Luigi Spina’s Faces of Rome brings us a more intimate understanding of ancient marble busts and the people behind them.
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Using mundane materials brought layered meanings to canvasses, but will they stand the test of time?
Winged creatures have captured the imagination of mankind through the millennia. Here is a glimpse at the varied ways in which jewelers have sought to express the freedom and beauty of these wonders…
A curated selection of items recently sold at auction. Asia Week brings an embarrassment of riches to New York every March. Here are six that bidders chased eagerly.
The photographer behind one of the most iconic images of the 20th century, Dorothea Lange’s images remain as powerful and relevant as they were 80 years ago.