Caterina Bellinetti

The light in the room glows yellow. Sounds are muffled, except for the familiar four-note bass line. Pixelated aliens rain down from the top of the screen. I shoot, but am quickly…

For our third piece on Marco Almaviva, we explore the meaning of the archive.
The Heart of Zen, which is on view at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, presents, for the first time in the United States, two of the most important paintings in Asian art.
Italian painter Marco Almaviva began his career in the late 1950s in Milan while in close contact with the artists working in the Spatialism movement, and aimed to bring art and science together to…
Marco Almaviva, Born in 1934 in Novi Ligure, Italy, has always explored the relationship between the artist and the canvas.

With over 120 artworks from 25 museums and private collections from around the world, visitors of

“I have never been in a city that gave me the same sense of freedom as Venice,” Peggy Guggenheim wrote, “Venice is not only the city of freedom and fantasy but it is the city of pleasure and…
Darkrooms are instrumental in movie plots: tiny rooms, red lights, and photographs hanging from a piece of string. But developing a photograph is not as easy as it looks in the movies.