At Large

Every summer and fall connoisseurs and collectors of Asian art gather in New York for Asia Week.
Discover the fascinating story behind the only skyscraper designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. From the stairway handrails to the parking garage to the furniture inside, Wright left his trademark style…
Narrated by Academy Award nominee Glenn Close, this short film includes new footage of the original settings of the artist’s works in Florence, Pistoia, and Venice.
While art heists small and large are more common than we’d like them to be, the thefts usually involve paintings or sculptures which are handily snatched and carried off by the guilty parties. On…
In a world of da Vinci biographical sketches, Bambach's four-volume tome, Leonardo Da Vinci Rediscovered, is a masterpiece.
Why so many languages invented words for colors in the same order.
In case you couldn't make it to Black Rock City and the Playa this year, here are nine stunning art installations from this year's Burning Man.
The Los Angeles Police Department is asking for your help in returning over 100 works of art to their rightful owners.