At Large

This week The Art Assignment tackles the intersection of art and our changing climate. Throughout history, art has helped reveal the climate around us and highlight our fragile relationship to it.…
Last week a group of foundations came together to ensure the preservation of an important trove of American history.
The Art History Babes provide an intro to Ancient Greek Kouroi and Korai statues and throw out some bizarre theories about what the Peplos Kore actually held—an arrow? An apple? The universe? Listen…
How much do you know about Van Gogh’s Sunflowers?

Filmmaker and art connoisseur John Waters has just two words for would-be art collectors: Monkey Art.

If you aim to invest in today’s overheated art market, he says in a new book, primate…

When Italian university student Piergiorgio Castellani booked his winter-break holiday in New York in 1988, he expected to see major artworks in museums–not major living artists walking nonchalantly…
Let’s talk about BIG ART. In this super-sized episode, Nat, Jen and Gin discuss art on a large-scale. From the tallest file cabinet in the world, to the eerie work of Ron Mueck, this episode deals…
Nat and Corrie cover the Forbidden City in Beijing, China in this Art History BB. As the imperial palace and political epicenter of China during the Ming & Qing dynasties, the Forbidden City…