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Many countries decided to impose very strict regulations on the press in order to limit, or completely prevent, the circulation of negative accounts. Lord Kitchener, the British Secretary of War, made sure that the control on correspondents was so watertight that the photojournalist Jimmy Hare reported that “to so much as make a snapshot without official permission in writing means arrest.”
Medusa, like many other classic Greek myths, has become a cultural icon. She was one of the three Gorgons, meaning creatures who resembled human females save for their heads, from which snakes sprouted instead of hair. The eyes of Gorgons could also turn humans to stone. 
Rachel Smythe’s insanely popular webcomic now turned graphic novel (and future Netflix animated series), Lore Olympus, is a recent iteration of this trend – one that combines both the art of storytelling and digital illustration.
Summertime’s gardens have long inspired artists and botanists. Botanical illustration emerged around the time of Plato, more than 2,000 years ago. The medium launched not as a fine art, but as a record-keeping device and a teaching tool. At the time, botany and medicine essentially were one and the same. 
In December 2021, the Television Academy announced eleven significant rule changes designed to better align the Emmys with, “the dynamic and rapidly evolving television industry." Among these changes are several meant to highlight the too often unsung visual artists.
Noted iconoclastic Jewish-American poet, playwright, novelist, and art collector Gertrude Stein (1874–1946) is remembered for her experimental use of language, her frank depiction of lesbian relationships in fiction, and for amassing an exceptional art collection while living in Paris as something of a celebrity figure.
Following a trend that started in the late 1800s, Western photographers were sent abroad to create images of foreign countries. Such photographs, oftentimes created through an imperialist and colonial lens, contributed to the creation of stereotypical views of non-Western countries.
Deeply intertwined, fear and courage have traveled together across the centuries through artwork. Art shows believers the rewards and punishments of the afterlife, reminds us of the brevity of life, and leads us by example through the vicissitudes of heroines such as Joan of Arc.
Google’s Student Doodle Challenge is wrapping up its stage of public voting and we thought we’d take a moment to share some of our favorite illustrations. This year's U.S. contest called for submissions about self-care. Robust college scholarships are among the top prizes.
To reach people beyond the confines of museum walls, sixty-seven members of the Ecoart Network (a group with over 200 artist members) have collaborated on a new book that provides a road map, drawn by artists, to a more sustainable future.
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