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ARCA CEO Lynda Albertson is the star of a new documentary short directed by Bella Monticelli, Lot 448, that premiered February 1 at the Tribeca Film Festival. In it, she is shown tracking an Etruscan polychrome painted fifth century BCE antefix (a decorative item found on rooftops). Evidence indicates it was pilfered from the Necropoli della Banditaccia, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Italy.
On Wednesday, February 3, the US Supreme Court announced a unanimous decision on a landmark case, siding with Germany in a Nazi-era restitution case regarding the Guelph Treasure.
While the impact of the movement far eclipses the brevity of the collective, without a doubt, the Memphis Group has become synonymous with the visual culture and nostalgic aesthetic of the 1980s. 
In 1931 when Mexican muralist Diego Rivera visited San Francisco with his wife, Frida Kahlo, both were still up-and-coming artists.
As a shocked nation and world watched the violent scenes unfold at the US Capitol last week, art lovers and conservators paid special notice to the backdrop of many of these scenes: the historic paintings and sculptures that line the walls of the Rotunda.
The recently passed National Defense Authorization Act gives the U.S. Department of Treasury one year to create rules to hamper money laundering and financing of terror organizations through the antiquities and arts trade.
Providing a new hub for Amtrak and the Long Island Rail Road, the space includes a one-acre sky-lit atrium, free wifi, a floating clock, and world-class public art.
Here are the top ten stories Art & Object readers loved in 2020.
Calling out modernist designs of the past seventy years, the order seeks a return to the Classically-inspired architecture of our founding fathers.
A French metal detectorist thought he could cash in on his finds by duping the French government, but officials saw through his ploy.
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