
This July, Wright presents Art + Design—a sale featuring a signature mix of modern furniture and contemporary art. Find a unique Polaroid by Andy Warhol, a…

Thursday, July 11th & Friday, July 12th, 10am – 7pm
Saturday, July 13th, 9am – 10am

Roland Antiques, serving the United States and Europe since 1975, specializes in…

Featuring Selections from

Choice Furnishings, Decorative Items & Collectibles
from Local Estates & Private…

750+lots, featuring important estate collections of fine art, jewelry, and antiques from the estates of Jane Dudley, Nashville; Judith Crosland, Knoxville; Julia Holland Gasque, Kingston; Mrs.…

After over 50 years hidden from the public view, three works by one of Britain’s greatest painters are headed to the auction block. John Constable’s (1776-1837) oil landscapes of the British…
Head of European Furniture Paul Gallois on two wildly different yet equally beautiful 18th-century desks — one made in France, the other in Germany — and the tantalising possibility that their royal…
This month people around the world are celebrating Pride Month and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising with parades, parties and protests. Swann Auction Galleries has a unique way to mark…
Sotheby’s today announced that it has signed a definitive merger agreement to be acquired by BidFair USA, an entity wholly owned by media and telecom entrepreneur as well as art collector, Patrick…