
Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze's "Indians Attacking a Wagon Train," presents a strikingly dynamic vision of the American frontier. Perhaps best known for his depictions of iconic moments in American…

MIAMI – Sotheby’s is honored to unveil the sale contents of the third (RED) Auction…

“Since I was seventeen, I thought I might be a star”, Basquiat wrote, and at the age of 22 he was thrust into the Contemporary Art spotlight. Join Michael Macaulay, Senior International Specialist…

When Banksy shredded his artwork the moment after it sold at auction, he left many questions unanswered. What are we to make of the stunt?
This November, Sotheby’s will offer a monumental spinach-green jade washer that ranks among the most impressive jade vessels remaining in a private collection, and appears to be the largest jade…
With his homeland at the precipice of civil war, Joan Miró was experiencing an existential crisis. What did it mean to be a Spaniard in a country increasingly defined by division?
When Elsa Koditschek was forced from her home and stripped of her possessions in 1940, Egon Schiele’s masterpiece City in Twilight was lost to her family as another casualty of the oppressive Nazi…
In a new video titled "Shredding the Girl and Balloon - The Director’s half cut," Banksy reveals the inner workings of his now-famous shredder-frame.