At Large

Conservators at the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague made a surprising and valuable discovery recently while doing some routine restoration work.
“All art is propaganda,” observed Diego Rivera. “The only difference is the kind of propaganda.” Rivera saw the mural as a medium for democratic expression. As part of Sotheby’s Most Famous Artworks…
On the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests, one artist is making sure the atrocities of that incident are not forgotten.
As a follow up to their BB on Fragonard's "The Swing", Corrie and Nat discuss Yinka Shonibare's 2001 work, "The Swing" (after Fragonard).
For Michael Arad and Peter Walker, the original architects of the 9/11 Memorial in New York, they envision healing for the community in the form of the 9/11 Memorial Glade, a redesigned outdoor space…
He is revered as one of the greatest artists of all time. For centuries he has typified the perfect artistic genius. His greatest legacy is the surviving works that we can see today - The Sistene…
According to a report in the Guardian, the Louvre has declined to include the most expensive painting ever sold in their upcoming blockbuster Leonardo da Vinci exhibition. The Salvator Mundi has its…
On Christmas day in 1950, the original stone pedestal of Scone mysteriously vanished from Westminster Abbey. Months later, it turned up in Arbroath Abbey, wrapped in a Scottish flag.