At Large

Using mundane materials brought layered meanings to canvasses, but will they stand the test of time?
The Tate explores how it is no longer useful to think of Vincent van Gogh's talent as a result of his poor mental health.

Iowa-based artist Jim Shrosbree is one of 25 visual artists from the United States and Canada awarded a prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship this April, for the Guggenheim Foundation’s 95th…

Roosegaarde is widely regarded as one of the decade’s most important contemporary artists. Known for his large scale sculptures and installations in urban environments that blur the lines between…
Did you ever wish you could travel back in time to see ancient Rome at the peak of its glory? Now you can thanks to Rome Reborn®
A team of Russian underwater explorers may have stumbled upon a cache of lost artworks worth millions.
One of the most revered ancient sites in China is carved out of the side of Mount Emei. It's known as the Leshan Giant Buddha, and took 90 years to build until it was completed in 803 AD.
This time his discovery was an auctioneer’s fantasy–Judith and Holofernes (1607), a lost masterpiece by Caravaggio found in 2014.