At Large

Last year offered innumerable compelling subjects to

Most kids have the opportunity to experiment with creative outlets, whether it be coloring, finger-paints, or macaroni art. Extraordinary talent is not expected, however, in some rare cases innate…
A conversation between Dr. Sarahh Scher and Dr. Steven Zucker on a Four-Cornered Hat from the Wari culture. 
A painting by Vincent van Gogh that has been in the same family for over a hundred years is set to be sold at auction next week in a joint sale at Sotheby’s and the Paris-based Mirabaud Mercier. The…
The often-contentious relationship between artists and those who write about art is as old as culture itself. The art critic’s job is to rationalize what is inherently an irrational pursuit.
If you have a bent for the occasional musical throwback, you may wonder why Prince wouldn't sing about “Red Rain.” At least the aforementioned title could boast an alliterative appeal. Alas, the…
The easy answer is Isaac Newton, but of course, the real answer is more complicated. Though Newton might be better known for his writings on and experiments with gravity and the laws of motion, his…
Here are 10 opportunities to be “in the moment” with art.