At Large

Works of art depicting the natural world have long proven to be a source of escapism for artists and audiences alike, proving that travel doesn’t have to be a physical activity in order to be…
For six weeks in 2011, visitors to room 20 of the Parisian Musee d'Orsay didn't know what to look at first—Gustave Courbet's L'Origine du Monde (1866), or the woman copying it at a nearby easel.
While the word “muse” is often used to describe an inspiration or influence behind an artwork, it usually means we are either idealizing a woman or ignoring a female artist’s accomplishments.
In new community guidelines released this week, Facebook announced a new policy meant to halt the sales of looted artifacts on its platform.
A recently botched restoration of a once beautiful painting of the Virgin Mary is proving once again why it’s best to leave some tasks to the experts.
As a jewel or as a weapon, from China to Mexico, passing through India and New Zealand, jade has influenced the political, social, and economic life of many different cultures around the world.
Traveling writer Maxime du Camp changed photographic history when he grew tired of sketching the sights.
Though artists on the cutting edge claimed to revile it, academic art was pivotal in the development of modernism.