At Large

How did obelisks, monuments of the ancient Pharaohs, end up in modern metropolises?
With social isolation now a way of life, it’s unsurprising that mid-century American realist painter Edward Hopper is having a moment.
In the second installment in our series on jewelry’s place in art history, we’re exploring jewelry collecting in the Renaissance, a time when jewels were considered as valuable to possess and display…
Prints and Carvings from the Artistic Capital of the North
This week, the Royal Institute of British Architects awarded Sir David Adjaye with the 2021 Royal Gold Medal, the UK's highest honor for architecture.
What Monet’s correspondence tells us about the Impressionist master
What the artist’s chaotic workspace reveals about the mind of this modern master.
The White House hosts a unique and historic collection of artwork: Portraits of the men who have held the highest office in the land. Portraitist John Howard Sanden talks with Mo Rocca about the…