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The Spanish Galleon San José, which sank off the coast of Colombia in 1708, was rediscovered by Colombian officials in 2015 near Cartagena. For years, the San José was called the “holy grail of shipwrecks,” believed to contain plundered items—primarily gold, silver, and emeralds—worth an estimated $17-22 billion.
On a map of the United States, Louisiana appears to splinter off into the ocean, breaking apart into thousands of tiny, marshy pieces. And with every year, those pieces of wetland grow smaller and farther apart.
In December 2020, a competition was announced to design a new floor for the famous ancient arena. The winning entry, announced in May 2021, is by the Italian engineering practice Milan Ingegneria.
Recently the Royal Museums Greenwich announced the shortlist for its 2021 Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition. The 30-plus images range from telescopic and seemingly space-bound to nature-infused skyscapes.
Salvador Dali’s oeuvre often brings to mind images of melting clocks, lobster telephones, or crucifixion depictions, but late in his career the artist also created three floral suites.
An incredible artist and businessman, he fortunately lived and worked just as Gutenberg’s printing press (c. 1440) and movable type (c. 1450) began to take off. Dürer produced fine art for wealthy patrons and printed work that was able to, for the first time, be disseminated to the masses.
The old notion of “slaying the dragon” has had a pervasive presence in our culture for centuries, yet few know the actual origins of the popular expression. One story that certainly increased the phrase's popularity is that of Saint George, an early Christian martyr that served in the Roman army during the fourth century.
The items—worth an estimated $13 million (11 million euros)—were discovered in the possession of a Belgian collector. This repatriation comes as a result of an international investigation that was launched in 2017.
Art Nouveau was inspired by nature, spurred on by the Arts and Crafts movement, and served as a fundamental reaction against Industrialization.
Jesus of Nazareth is undoubtedly one of the most famous men who ever lived, and his likeness has been transcribed on paintings, sculptures, and every other artistic medium one can possibly think of.
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